How to Tell if You Girl Wants a Kiss

The first kiss can force you into a tailspin of over-analysis, uncertainty and fear of rejection. Once you understand the secrets to smooching, scoring some mouth music will be a minor gamble rather than a major flip-out. If determining the right time for a first kiss is a challenge, follow some of these tested tips to determine your likelihood for affection. Gauging the Graze Her responses to your casual touching can speak volumes about her readiness to move forward. The casual sweeping of her shoulders as you help her with her coat, or her response when you brush against her hand in the popcorn bag or touch the small of her back as you guide her to the table provides plenty of clues. If she pulls away at all, then slow down a bit and take some more time. If she smiles, blushes or giggles, then it’s time to prolong your skin contact. Maybe a hand on hers at the dinner table or a steady arm when walking her to the car will be a comfortable next step toward sealing the smooch. ...